5 Reasons Why You Should Eat Dinner Before 7 PM

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There's a reason why health experts stress on early dinners. Find out what they are and how they can benefit your health.



Why You Must Have An Early Dinner?

A study published in the Journal Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, revealed that everyone must have their dinner by 7 pm and not later. Why are there so many debates about dinner timings? Firstly, it is the last but one of the most important meals of the day. Ideally, you start your day of with a heavy meal and gradually decrease the amount throughout the day. At night, you are supposed to have the lightest meals and you are supposed to have it early. Let us understand the reasons behind this.




Will Align Your Circadian Rhythm

Early dinner contributes to a better circadian cycle. After your meal, you body requires time to digest the food after which it also requires an adequate amount of rest. This can only happen when you eat early. The best time is considered between 7 and 9 pm. 




Will Keep Your Blood Sugar Balanced

When you eat at the right time, it helps enhance insulin sensitivity in the body. Therefore, if you are a diabetes patient and you do not have a particular routine to follow, irregular meals will spike your blood sugar up.




Will Help You Sleep Well

Eating too late can delay your sleep, cause disrupted sleep, insomnia, indigestion, etc. In order to get a good and peaceful night's sleep, you must eat early. This gives your gut enough time to digest the food and then lull you to sleep. 




Will Keep Your Hormones Balanced

There is a reason why we have specific meal timings. The routine helps maintain our health and hormones. Early dinner will also keep our hormonal health aligned and there may be less fluctuations.




Will Benefit Heart Health

Eating on time also benefits heart health. If you eat early or on time, there are mor chances of you eating a full and healthy meal. Even if you eat fatty foods, it will digest fast and not effect your heart. 

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